Mobile Vital Monitoring Device

Definitely, when it comes to this type of technology. This watch makes for the perfect mobile vital monitoring device. Complete with thermometer and the ability to record and chart your stats. Talk about having resources made available to track results, or health concerns. This device is combined with your Smartphone to create a technological advantage for its user or users.


Daily Monitoring

We all know that tracking our results is great for seeing results that do not necessarily manifest in the size of our muscles. It is knowing our vitals are where they need to be, should be, or going in the right direction. This is the best mobile vital monitoring device we have discovered, and its a priceless addition to ensuring quality of life.

Data Collecting and Making Money

As you can see, this Crypto Mining Watch, that has a built in list of body vitals that when taken mines the crypto currency Tokens called VSC. Depending on he NFT Level you are on. Will also determine how much you make.

Data Control Chip VSC ProSe; Proof of Sensing


Examples of what and where you should be taking advantage of this incredible piece of technology. This mobile vital monitoring device is going to be life changing, and its having the knowledge around its use that can make the difference, with VSC ProSe security chip you no longer have to worry about just anyone getting your information. Additionally you control the data you collect when taking your vitals. Above all else you give it to whom you want to when you want to!

Protecting your Health and your Data furthermore is so very important!

For your everyday stats on your vitals. This technology also helps keep your information private and from others collecting your information and making money off your information! Even if you are sedimentary in life, going from the home to the office and back again, you may find a new motivation to walk extra or to get in those 100 push-ups a day as you see age and decline or increase of your heart rate or standing heart rate. We can find out where we should be, and make little or needed large changes in our lifestyle and see it effectiveness (all through this device). A little bit of daily exercise goes a long ways, and having something to remind us is usually helpful. Helping to be a better you!

See below for Technology that helps you Lose Weight!

This is not just a mobile vital monitoring device but it is a statment! It means you are one of the “ones in the know”; and utilizing an extremely affordable mobile vital monitoring device to better your health and awareness. And it may not be for you as the intended user. For your elderly mother, father, friend or other family member.

This mobile vital monitoring device literally turns into a life monitor. This is incredible, and can help in so many ways, and the uses for this will become an everyday expected use here soon.

Remember life before Cellular Telephones? Can you imagine living without one today? No way right? Furthermore, We have watched as more and more life enhancing, and now life saving uses are attached to what started out as just a mobile cell phone. By simply taking your 11 essential vitals daily, you now have the ability to measure your vitals.


Mobile vital monitoring device and your Doctor:

First of all, this handy dandy “Incredible” device is a great tool to share with your Doctor. Or the Doctor of the loved one you are using your device with.

Simply download the Free App for use with sharing the Vitals as recorded by the device with your Doctor. Yes, this is all included with the user information and support given. Just get the device here already! View here use Promo Code: INP750833803, when placing your order. This will save you an additional 10%.

Each user will have a separate interface account. Your device will work with user account, as you log in to your app that is on the Smartphone attached to the Device. Or rather the device is attached to your phone.

Talk about making your Doctor’s life easier, and being able to provide even more vital stats and reporting to assist in the care and needs of you, or the loved one you are monitoring. Or both, or all. .

What this technology that you hold in your hand measures:

11 Essential Body Stats Measured:

  • Heart Rate (HR)
  • Electro Cardio Gram (ECG/EKG)
  • BIA
  • Energy
  • Breathing Rate (BR)
  • Stress
  • Blood Pressure (BP)
  • APG
  • Blood Oxygen (Sp02)
  • AFIB
  • Body Temp

For all ages really. Finally as we age we should especially have this. Life is precious, and we only have the one. Protect it. We have the tools, let’s use them.

Order Yours Today and Stay Healthy!

NOW – if you think this technology is cool, we have something more for you. It is called Bio-Hacking, and it is Science Technology that works from your inside out. See the details here.

We have been finding more and more “Incredible Finds” in relation to Science, bio-hacking and the technologies being released to the Consumers. It is something we are personally standing behind as we use them, every day.

If you want to see what Science has given us for “Brain Clarity” and to remove that “Brain Fog” that comes with age, well age and kids, then check this out.

This medical device is being used by more and more people. The more they hear about it, the more they get it. That is the wonderful thing about being a blogger. We share information and “cool” finds for the World to find. And this is also an incredible way to be a part of the ever changing, always involving “Internet”. Check this out if you want to have a new HOBBY or Career (that is unlimited in potential).